Do More of What Makes You Happy
A Tactical Plan for “Me-Time”! Do you do more of what makes you happy? Well here we are nearing the end of the second month of 2023 already. And so it seems as if time if flying and we are all battling to keep up. Am I right? School, extra-murals, sport, test cycles, work, meetings,…
Free Printable Gratitude Page
Are you enjoying building your own personal planner and becoming more intentional about how you plan and spend your days? This week’s free printable gratitude page is all about becoming more intentional about gratitude. Why should I keep a gratitude journal? If you have never kept a gratitude journal you are probably asking why should…
I’m guilty of neglecting my blog!
Yes that’s right. I’m guilty of neglecting my blog. Something I swore I would never do. In my defence it is not easy and just when I decided to begin my blogging journey we entered a critical phase of organisational redesign at the office. This means longer hours, lots of new projects and less time…
“Follow Your Dreams”
JOYQuotes I have entitled this post “follow your dreams” and the story begins like this… The 9th of August was Women’s Day in South Africa and also coincidentally my son’s birthday. I often tell the story that he arrived in somewhat of a hurry at 1.26 am on the 9th of August 2011. It was…
Free Printable SMART Goals
It’s time to set some goals! Many people equate goal setting with new year’s resolutions. To be brutally honest however, we all know how new year’s resolutions most often turn out. Resolutions are more like wishes usually made by someone who has no idea how to go about making them a reality. This free printable…